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Kicking an Operator 🥾

If you would like to remove an operator from the set of operators running/monitoring your trap, you can kick them with the kick-operator command.



  1. Operator is whitelisted as either a Drosera protocol-level whitelisted operator or a trap-level whitelisted operator that the trap owner has specifically added to the trap's drosera.toml whitelist field, and has updated the trap on-chain with the apply CLI command
  2. The operator can optin because they are whitelisted

Trap Owner​

  1. If you no longer want an operator to monitor/run your trap, here are the steps to take. First...
    • If the operator is a protocol-level operator, you'll need to know their address. If the trap is public, they won't be in the trap's whitelist.
    • If the operator is a trap-level operator that you previously added to the trap's whitelist, remove their address from the trap's whitelist and run the apply command to update the trap on-chain.
  2. Second, you must run the kick-operator CLI command with the operator's address and the trap address to effectively optout the operator from your trap.

If you only kick a trap-level operator, but don't remove them from the whitelist also, the operator can just optin again.

To kick an operator from your trap, simply run:

drosera kick-operator --trap-address <address> --operators <operator> <operator> <operator>

You can pass one or more operator addresses, separated by spaces, starting with "0x"

  • Note: If you want to restrict which operators can optin to your trap, consider setting your trap to private (i.e. private_trap = true in your drosera.toml) and configure your trap-level whitelist.